Archive for the ‘garden’ Category

Pea thief!

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Happened to glance groggily out my window yestermorning, only to see a neighborhood girl yanking a bunch of peas off my vines!

She beat it too swiftly for me to make it downstairs in time to have a little talk with her. Next time I see her though, I’ll give her a little lesson in garden respect. Not that I mind if she snacks a bit, but my vines appreciate care!

I loves my garden.

Thursday, August 5th, 2010


So pretty and yummy!

Garden Elves!

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

My awesome friends Julia and Stu, the Garden Elves, put in a fab new garden box for me down on the curbside strip.


(click to embiggen)

So excited! So healing to get my hands back in the rich, dark earth and plant pretty baby plants again! Sam got this excellent picture of me watering with sunlight. :)


(click to enlarge)

Right after he went ninjawacky with the mallet. Mwahahaha!


(click for extra ninjawacky biggness)

Watch out neighborhood!

Many grateful hugs to the garden elves for breaking sod for me and creating such a lovely garden for us.

More pics here.

Moving! Need housemates for my awesome new Wallingford art garden mansion!

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

OK, so it isn’t exactly a mansion, but it will be the biggest house I’ve ever lived in, so it feels like one to me!

(view from living room into dining room)

It’s a lovely old place in one of the yummiest parts of Wallingford, just three or four blocks up from Gasworks Park in a friendly neighborhood. Can’t wait to put my new garden in(yep, breaking sod again!). And I’m just drooling over the thought of cooking in the humongous kitchen and my kiddo(son Sam, age 11, expert comic artistninja) is jazzed about the great big, climbable curly willow in the yard! :)

There are two possible rooms available to rent. A huge top level, light-filled room with gorgeous views for $675($800 for couples) and a small, sweet, main floor room with built in loft bed for $550. Oh, and the landlord, Lee, is also renting a sweet little daylight basement two bedroom(in the same house) for $850. Lee is not into having pets live here, though I did talk him into the cat I promised Sam as a move in delight. Electric and internet are not included. House is not wheelchair-accessible(there are stairs).

(living room fireplace)

I’m looking for honest, friendly, responsible(rent and bills on time), artistic, clean, creative, playful, happy, communicative, open-minded, sane, earth-conscious people that want to be part of a magnificient artistic household as well living their own private lives. ‘Cuz I love to be social and have family style meals betimes and awesome art feasts with friendsies, but I also dig my solo time too and I’m not big on drugs or drunkeness or TV-which is not to say I don’t enjoy a good pint of Guinness or a glass of port or a snuggly movie night on occasion. I love food and cooking and gardening, painting, dancing, music, meditating, chi gong, sculpting, bodypainting… I’m all about art and the art of living a well balanced, beneficent, delicious life. Sam lives with me half the week(alternating sat-wed and sun-wed). Oh, and I’m 39.


Available Aug 1st.

Soooooooooooooo excited to move in!

Clochey goodness

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Celebrating Earth Day by planting, Sam and I added tomatoes to the growing garden babies.. Tucked cosily away under their cloche ’til summer brings the warm sunshine.

(photo by BB)

More garden gladness here.

Look out neighborhood cats!

Monday, April 20th, 2009

The garden is now kitty-prickle-butt-stick protected!

(click to embiggen)

Yay spring!

(click to enlargify)

A pretty walk in the Arboretum this afternoon. More pics of this and the prickle-butt-sticking here.

Go First Lady!!

Friday, March 20th, 2009

Michelle Obama is going to dig up the White House lawn and plant a vegetable garden. Now that’s my kinda presidential initiative. :)

I knew I liked her for a good reason. :)

Suddenly, fall.

Sunday, October 5th, 2008

Autumn blew in today, blustering great whirls and swoops of redgold leaves every which way.

Time to harvest the ‘maters:


…and make salsa:


Holy Jalapenos, Batman! Yum.


A well-defended garden.

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

The neighborhood cats(who happen to be the size of teenage raccoons) tend to believe that my freshly dug garden beds are purrfect litter boxes.

I can’t have the dastardly buggers digging up my babies, so Sam and Sophie(who happened to be in town delivering her paintings for our show) set off on a top secret KPBS mission.


In order to lull suspicions, we lazed about at the beach amidst the loverly daisies.


But once we got home, we got down to serious bizness and set about protecting the garden,


with a heavy duty array of Kitty Prickle Butt Sticks. More pics here.

Pee, if you dare, cats!


Sheera-the Mighty Queen of Dirt.

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

I shoveled three tons of kid-packed topsoil today.

Finally, the Clearwater parking lot is no longer buried under a giant mound of earth. As I was exhaustedly hefting the last few barrows of dirt, a small girl in a pretty white pinafore came up and hollered at me, face all squinched up to project the loudest condemnation possible: ‘You’re the meanest person in the whole world!’

She no happy at the loss of the mountain they’d been playing on all year. I told her that was pretty rough considering I was the one who brought them all that joyous dirt in the first place.

Perhaps the wisdom of this sunk in(or more likely, her attention span is no larger than she is), because she was soon happily questioning me about the plants I’m going to plant.

Matt the bus driver unwittingly saved my battered self esteem by strolling by not long after and comparing me to Milarepa. :) Not to mention offering to sweep the parking lot the next day, ‘cuz I’d already ‘done the work of twelve men’.

Ah, appreciation. Does wonders for the weary.

Now if the little heathens would just stay off the nice, freshly fluffed soil ’til I get a chance to plant it…

Fat chance.
