Archive for the ‘Parties!’ Category

Sam is 14!

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

And Minecraft crazy, so I made him a Minecraft cake!

Sam bday 2012 003

I ’specially like how well the chocolate chip hooves turned out on the sheep.

Sam bday 2012 004

And it got a “Best birthday cake ever!” from the kids, so I’m happy. :)

High Tea at the Mad House!

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

A delightful music video by my new friend, Love.

Starring me and my freaky fun friends! And yes, dryads do like watermelon excessively, why do you ask? :)

Forest sprite

Monday, November 9th, 2009

I made antlers(here I must confess I stoled the idea from my friend Seb) and painted trees on a silk slip to create my Halloween costume this year.


I also made an alternative set of horns, which Sam and I goofed off in later…


It was a really fun Halloween.. There was much partying, awesome costumage and much snuggling at Rita and Ben’s house and then I danced the night away at Pheralia with a dead guy and a pirate.

Pics here.

Punkin’ carvin’ time!

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Had a fabulous pumpkin carving party on sunday-hurray for awesome, creative friends and purty orange squashes!


There was much squishing of gooey gourd guts and brain talk and feasting on punkin/yam/butternut soup, Rita’s awesome apple cake and Sam(and my)’s OMGvegan chocchip cooookies! Yum.

More pics here.

The Infinite Feast!

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

I may have had a rather unfortunate summer, but I certainly have an amazing fortune in my friends!

Cody, kickass organatrix and grand friend that she is, decided to throw a benefit party for me and proceeded to do so, in truly glorious Badbad Faerie style! Jeff generously donated the use of the Little Red Day Spa and my fabulous posse(Yay Cody! Rita! Ben! Anna! Blackbird! Drew! Juliet! Cheri! Sam! David! Julia!) rallied their considerably delicious forces and talents and thus, the Infinite Feast was born!

It was an absolutely sumptuous, sexy soiree, with delicious munchies, hot tubbin’, dancing(thanks Michael Holden for the awesome tunes!),



massage(yay Candace!), tarot(the mysterious Madam Blackbird), poetry(call and response between David Jones and I), luscious desserts, awesome art and of course the Bad bad Faeries and their wicked, fruity shenanigans!

Badbad Faeries!

Badbad Faeries!

More pics on Facebook.

It was so much fun! Thanks so so much Coders and all of you who helped organize it, baked for it, made gorgeous signage, worked it, donated awesome art(yay David, Juliet and Liz!) and services(props to Cody, Danni, Sharon, Jason and BB!) to the auction and came and danced and soaked and cuddled and bought art and things…

My Buddha holds a fat envelope full of lovely green bills that will help me pay off a chunk of my debt, buy my ever-growing kiddo clothes for the fall and get my unhappy tooth to the dentist.. Though one of the very first things I’m going to do is GO BUY A NICE BIG CANVAS!!! Just to prove to myself that I don’t have to give up, even if I no longer have those lovely big walls I was so looking forward to painting pictures for.

But regardless of the money, the gift of my friends and community is a rich one. It is a boon and a bounty I’ll not soon forget.



Monday, June 1st, 2009

My son’s school had a rockin’ fundraiser festival today-Whistlepig!

I painted cuffs on the fairgoers:


So much fun! And they kept me busy too, lining up for cuffs-I barely had time to sneak off and dancedancedance to the awesome tunes of 17th Chapter!


The Artathon 2009!!!

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

I love this event! How could I not?

24 hours of art-making madness with my wonderful, creative, wackyass friends and community?

I had so much fun this year. I drew/painted four lovely works on paper..


..and bodypainted the lovely Kerry:


And read a short, new poem:

wailing on the brink,
I cower before the echoing,
thunderous laughter
of my own heart.

You can see the rest of the loverly pictures here.

Aaaaaaaah, my art life is amazing right now.


My 39th Birthday and Fifth Annual Naked Human Party!

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

I love threes and nines, so 39 is simply the most exquisite number EVER. Obviously, my 39th birthday had to be something special. ;)

Therefore, I combined it with my annual Naked Human party. Everyone brought tons of gawdjis clothes, we made a humongous pile and dove in. The party was so much fun, it just sort of ran itself! None of the performances I’d planned happened-but there was plenty of spontaneous performing ‘midst all the talking, snuggling, playing, trying oning and giggling.

Brenda sings
(click to enlarge)

Brenda Belcher serenaded us with her lovely songs(when Zola wasn’t licking her face).

(click to enlarge)

Sean made magic with his mesmerizing balls.

(click to enlarge)

Yonatan stole our hearts with his shy debutante act… And then stole my hat. Again.

(click to enlarge)

Danni and Cody had us bustin’ a gut with their hilarious body-part-mash-up(Cody is the legs, Danni the top). There were really too many lovely performances to snap pictures of… Mai Li sang to us and told us ridiculous jokes, Juliet and Drew gave an awesome poem/montage of quotes, sweaters were cut into leg-warmers———-

(click to enlarge)

———-and we feasted on delicious foodstuffs. Rita made me an awesome grapefruit cake-yum! My lentil stew turned out divinely although it was a new recipe and I de-baconated it in favor of my veggitastic friends. Everyone scored loverly new clothes and we all had fun rummaging through the pile…

Such a glorious birthday! Thanks so much all y’alls, you’re amazing. Such a rich, lucky woman am I, to have such fantastic friends and community!

More pictures here.

Sam is eleven!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

We had an awesome dinner party at Cafe Vios to celebrate his eleveniness!


Sam attempts to eat the cake in one fell gulp. :)

More pics here. And, here’s Rita’s flickr set, including my favorite shot:


Aw. :)

Woohoooo! More Thanksgiving pictures!

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Atiron got her’s flickr’d.


Go, see the great pillow massacre, Me eating Delayne’s arm, Ben french-kissing a dragon and tons of other cool madness! :)
