Love wields a shovel

My dragons are here!

May 12th, 2011

You may recall way back when I’d applied for a sculpting job with a pin-making company and they had me sculpt a chinese dragon? And I didn’t get it, and was bummed?

Well, they finally delivered the dragon

dragons! 051

(click for see all three dragons)

and cat pins(and paid me for them!). Yay!

(Click to see all four kittehs).

(Click to see all four kittehs).

You can order them from me, too! :)

Happy Egg Day!

April 26th, 2011

Sam was at his dad’s for Easter, so I decided to paint an egg just for myself. :)


The dancer was inspired by this lovely photo.

And on the other side…


Sweet, yes?

Serious firedancing.

April 24th, 2011

In New Guinea, they take their firedancing seriously.

Peruse this set thoroughly for amazing tribal bodypainting, beautiful people and evidence that money actually CAN grow on trees.

X-Rated, but sexless sex comedy

April 24th, 2011

My dreaming brain cracks me up sometimes.

Last night I’m trying to help my boyfriend adjust things inside our vaguely car-like vehicle. Making my usual hash of it -as I tend to do with any technologically advanced assisting. He says he’s on it and I turn to him and say: “What do you want ME on? Besides your cock”. (Can you mentally roll your eyes at yourself in a dream? Yes, indeed). He gives me this look that’s questioning, laughing and hot all at the same time. Apparently it’s been quite some time since we last had sex. Our eyes speak volumes. He lays his hand on his promisingly abrupt erection. But…

For some reason, we can’t just tear our clothes off and get down to bizness. We have to find a PLACE to do it(why not the “car”? I have no idea, it seemed ideally suited to me, being mostly open space inside, lined with pool-table-like greenish felt) and apparently it also involves a lot of masturbation on his part. So we detour through the landscaped yard at his mom’s(?!) and find a likely looking spot amidst the rhodies. He starts to lay me down on the grass, but I look up and see that we’re right below the living room and his mom is watching TV. “Hey, we can’t do this here, your mom’s up there -she could look down at any moment!” He says: “What’s she doing?” “Watching TV and…” I glance up again. “Um, same thing WE’RE doing, actually”. And it’s true. She’s got this giant dildo and-

We move again. This time we find an exercise room and we start moving the multitude of exercise bikes out of the way to make a little lovenest in the middle of the carpet. Or at least, *I’m* moving them OUT of the way. He seems to be crowding them up against us in an ever-shrinking circle. I protest, saying we need space to flail about and we won’t really want exerbikes falling on us. More masturbation. Hmm.. All this fluffing is starting to worry me a little. I seem to recall far less prep and far more leap-and-devour-like-hungry-beasts in our previous sex life.

I move towards him with intent and as the bikes start to fall, I wake up.

Please vote for my T-shirt design!

April 7th, 2011

If I get enough high scores, Threadless will make my awesome cat design into a t-shirt and give me beaucoup buckz!! :)

Guardian of the Way. - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More


Sculpture for the fishes.

March 7th, 2011

Today is my birthday and I’m celebrating with a Sculpt Your Food Dinner… And just so nobody feels left out, here is a lovely sculpture garden for the fishes and you to enjoy! :)

Liquid magnetic sculpture

March 5th, 2011

Fascinating ferrofluid.


March 2nd, 2011

A good use for all those pans I’ve destroyed over the years! :)

Dream people

January 13th, 2011

The noteworthy people from my life often enter into my dreams, serving my subconscious self as guides, messengers or characterizing different pieces of me. I had a great one last night.

My favorite massage therapist and teacher(of meditation, chi gong and massage), Svadesh, was giving me a massage. We talked all about the various symptoms ailing me and in the middle of the massage he decided we should change tables and so we went outside, where he had a table set up out on the sunny, warm deck and he finished the massage most wondrously in the blissful sunshine. I lay for quite a while just soaking up the beams and then we went for a walk arm in arm along a road through a gorgeous forest of tall conifers blazing emerald green in the summer brilliance.

Yay for magnificent healing dreams!

Dream places

January 13th, 2011

People and places often recur in my dreams. I think certain people(especially people I’ve loved and lost) and places have become potent totems for issues that challenge me in my current life.

The trailer I grew up in used to enter my dreams all the time. I haven’t dreamt of it in years and then just a few nights ago, there I was, running down the long hall to the back door to let in a poor kitty I’d seen through the window that was stuck out in the snow. This dream… was quite unlike the ones I used to have which usually had a strong, ominous sense of being trapped and trying to break free. I opened the back door to let the kitty in and then a little kid picked it up and brought it inside along with a whole bunch of dogs who were herded in by a mastiff-headed man in a yellow suit whom I immediately(and somewhat snarkily) addressed as: “Jack.” (as in Coyote Jack) He growled at me and said he could easily kill me and I laughed and said: “So?” We got along quite well after that.

This dream felt good and I felt strong and funny and powerful, quite unlike the dreams I used to have in that particular locale.